Substance Designer Crash Course
Do you want to pick up Substance Designer but is put off by the programs' complexity, and slowness of the official tutorials? Are you a veteran texture artist looking to skip the boring stuff and just hit the ground running with Substance Designer? Then this tutorial is for you!
In this tutorial, I skip some of the boring basics (such as how to use the UI etc..) and jump straight into texture production techniques to get you up and running in the least amount of time possible.
When I started learning Substance, I was really put off by how long, slow and boring most of the tutorials were. So I created this tutorial with all the information I wish someone would just give me when I started.
My goal is not to transform you into a Substance master, but to open the doors to this wonderful program to you, and hopefully kickstart your career (or hobby) as a Texture Artist.
The tutorial is divided into two parts:
- In the first part I teach you how to work with basic nodes and construct shapes. I also explain how normal maps work and some other essential knowledge every texture artist should know.
- In part two, I use what we learned in part 1 to build a stone wall from scratch, using a combination of proceduralism and photo textures to achieve great-looking results fast.
This tutorial is one of the many chapters of my Spanish Town tutorial, where I teach you my entire environment art workflow. Take a look at that if you like this content!
Feel free to share any textures you created from this tutorial with me on twitter: @thiagoklafke
Learn Substance Designer today!